Like the moon which effects tides, so does the current in all things follow suit.
Daily Dosha is a free daily astrology app for showing current planetary effects of ayurvedic health information and for providing herbal, as well as spiritual suggestions for empowering the positive qualities of planets under ill karmic effect.
Our free daily astrology app displays a planetary guide which updates every day. This is inline with the astronomical data currently available to us. Through planetary and astrological information, Daily Dosha shows the ill health effects of planets under heavy karmic influences when the astrological signs, stars and planets align in such a way.
Daily Dosha provides an elemental approach to understanding the solar system and the greater to lesser karmic effects of our health and well being, while providing natural healing advice as passed on from the 5000 year old traditions of Ayurvedic Astrology.
While our daily astrology app is great we do provide this website as a detailed observation of the planetary health relations that may govern yourself. Our website tailors a natal chart to the individual and is able to draw graph charts to help with understanding your relation in the karmic universe.
Our daily astrology app uses principals found in universal and human nature, attempting to over simplify the yogic influences which effect our daily lives. Our daily astrology app is simple to use and should be considered as a guide to understanding the forces which may effect us at any time of the day. Using ayurveda, which are herbal therapies, you will be able to find a more consistent balance by taking in to consideration the planetary effects that do occur.